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Daniel's Kindness

Daniel was poor and yet so kind by nature. He lived in a small thatched house next to a tiny little river. He was a domestic aid to all the villagers. Daniel was the first person people noticed especially when there's someone else's marriage or funeral functions. The service orientation, Daniel showcased was praiseworthy. Daniel failed to make a successful course of life initially. And you can't have the fruits of life all of a sudden. This happens because it's a step by step process.  Daniel's Kindness : Daniel literally was the synonym for kindness. He shared his food with birds and animals whenever he had. There were a lot of brids, squirrels, dogs and cats always as visitors to Daniel's house. The cash he earnt actually spent on food for all these animals and birds and he lived with no savings at all. Future appeared to be bleak for Daniel. He was extremely happy whenever he could see the daily visitors in the form of birds and animals.

What is Spirituality?

It appears that many people do have a lot more questions in terms of what spirituality is or what spiritual knowledge is. It's so funny to see that people ask such questions especially when they are eternal spiritual beings in their true selves. Life is, actually speaking, a rediscovery you do. The peculiarity of a human birth is the fact that you are way more self aware, compared to other organisms on the planet. Even with a human body, there are people who don't know anything about  spirituality and are passed away. Spiritual awakening or awareness is an evolutionary trait, a human has. You need to be karmically qualified to be spiritually aware, otherwise you tend to spend your life with more material orientation

A) What spirituality is: Spirituality is the awareness that you are not your body but a visitant inside a chosen body. And you have selected your particular body according to the quality of your Karma, with the purpose of getting evolved further. It's the awareness that you are way beyond your body and mind. It's the understanding that nothing is real in the world you are living and you use this world to get experienced and evolved and nothing lasts longer here. You are coming here with a body on and going off even without a body. Every single moment in this simulated  life matters more. This happens because it's the chance for you to be positively changed. Spiritual awareness actually brings a total transformation in you. 

B) Transformation in mind: Thoughts are actually way more powerful than you think and every single action from you is propelled by a series of powerful thoughts. Spirituality brings a total mental transformation in you first, which can be reflected in your physicality and behavior as well. You understand the fact that the brain is simply a survival tool and the perception brain gives you is heavily filtered. You have been controlled by the brain so far. And now you realize that it's time for you to control it back. You know that your consciousness is never produced by the brain but your brain is simply one of the organs with which you can channelize the quantum consciousness towards you. You can use your entire body including your brain, heart and gut as the antenna to be tapped into the universal consciousness. This awareness necessitates a total mental transformation in you. With the new piece of awareness that you can use your universal consciousness to control your brain, you start to invest some time in it. With a regularized meditative pattern, you can achieve the control of your mind and this is how you can practice anger management and stress management. 

C) Transformation in body: The mental transformation, you had automatically results in your physical transformation. This happens because your physical life is the true reflection of your mental life. When it comes to the transformation of your body, it doesn't mean that you change your body physically, but you accept some practices with which you have the upkeep of your body more easily. You tend to do some sort of physical exercise regularly at least for half an hour. And practice deep breathing for 15 minutes either before bed or after bed. You avoid unnecessary fast or processed food items and tend to include more of the vegetables, nuts and grains. And drink plenty of water. You also practice love and are focused more on a service oriented life. As you know the fact that you are here for a while to get evolved, you are not more self centered. You tend to do actions, meant for the benefits of others. Such a life pattern makes you healthier and the vibratory frequency of your soul goes strengthened. You can see its reflection on your body too as you are way more energetic and confident. 

D) Spiritual awakening: The result of your mental and physical transformation is your spiritual awakening. Spirit lies dormant inside until it gets awakened. You have to use your consciousness to keep it awakened and it's a step by step process. The first signature of spiritual awakening is that your level of consciousness is thoroughly changed as it's not filtered by your brain. You understand that everything is your own extension and actually there's only one being in the Universe and you are full of it. Such a level of consciousness makes your thoughts, feelings and actions more service oriented and all of your energy centres or Chakras are automatically activated. A service oriented life pattern makes your vibratory frequency at its best. You never harm anyone or anything mentally and physically. Your entire life is a role model for others to copy as it is free from the simulated emotional fluctuations like anger, greed, envy or jealousy. The result of such a life is the qualification of your soul to be ascended or liberated, which means that you are free from the effects of negative Karma in your life and there's no need for you to repeat your birth cycle on the planet and you are qualified enough to get graduated into higher planes. A more qualified soul can even use its free will to be emancipated, which is the total liberation from the cycle of birth, death and rebirth and your union with God. 

Spiritual awakening is not a tedious task. And it's not something that needs to be done painstakingly. Everyone of you is a spirit. So, it's not something new to learn but it's the unlearning of everything you have learned from a simulated life of survival. It's the rediscovery a soul does especially while living. As a result, the quality of your spirit can be brought into a materialistic life, with which everyone is benefited including yourself... 

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