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Daniel's Kindness

Daniel was poor and yet so kind by nature. He lived in a small thatched house next to a tiny little river. He was a domestic aid to all the villagers. Daniel was the first person people noticed especially when there's someone else's marriage or funeral functions. The service orientation, Daniel showcased was praiseworthy. Daniel failed to make a successful course of life initially. And you can't have the fruits of life all of a sudden. This happens because it's a step by step process.  Daniel's Kindness : Daniel literally was the synonym for kindness. He shared his food with birds and animals whenever he had. There were a lot of brids, squirrels, dogs and cats always as visitors to Daniel's house. The cash he earnt actually spent on food for all these animals and birds and he lived with no savings at all. Future appeared to be bleak for Daniel. He was extremely happy whenever he could see the daily visitors in the form of birds and animals.

Daniel's Kindness

Daniel was poor and yet so kind by nature. He lived in a small thatched house next to a tiny little river. He was a domestic aid to all the villagers. Daniel was the first person people noticed especially when there's someone else's marriage or funeral functions. The service orientation, Daniel showcased was praiseworthy. Daniel failed to make a successful course of life initially. And you can't have the fruits of life all of a sudden. This happens because it's a step by step process. 

Daniel's Kindness: Daniel literally was the synonym for kindness. He shared his food with birds and animals whenever he had. There were a lot of brids, squirrels, dogs and cats always as visitors to Daniel's house. The cash he earnt actually spent on food for all these animals and birds and he lived with no savings at all. Future appeared to be bleak for Daniel. He was extremely happy whenever he could see the daily visitors in the form of birds and animals. They were friendly with him in such a way that only Daniel could sense it. Daniel would tell his friends that the birds and animlas always passed him some intuitive hits and this is how they interacted with him. Many of the people in the village considered him as a fool or lunatic. But Daniel didn't have any issue with that. Manual help and personal assistance always were synonymous with Daniel and people used him for that always. Daniel was the helping hand if someone needed some hospitalization, construction of a house, digging a well, or building a roof. Everyday someone was out there at his doorstep, calling him for some work. Daniel didn't ask for any wages and was extremely satisfied with whatever was given to him. And people, in general, never forgot to utilize such an opportunity. Daniel hurt nobody by means of his thought, feeling or action. 

Heavy rain, accompanied by heavy wind: Daniel noticed one evening that the sky was getting cloudy way much thicker than normal. He expected heavy rainfall sooner than later. What happened was twice what he expected. The heavy rainfall together with heavy wind action, triggered after midnight wreaked havoc on the entire village. Unfortunately, what happened was that Daniel's tiny little thatched hut got washed away during the calamity. A lot of other villagers suffered from loss too. But poor Daniel was at the receiving at of total devastation. He lost everything in the flooded water including whatever he saved and whatever he earned. 

The Universe supports Daniel directly and indirectly: Daniel was tired and 100% disappointed when he walked aimlessly in the early morning. He was hungry too. He could see how devastating the heavy rain was. There was a tree and Daniel sat under the tree. He was sad that he was unable to have the usual breakfast with birds and animals. Hunger started burning his stomach a little bit and Daniel didn't literally know what to do. He was about to move when a fully ripe mango fell down right in front of him as if someone gifted. He was actually sitting under a mango tree. Before he finished having the mango, three more mangoes fell down towards his direction. Astonishing as he was, Daniel looked up and could see that there were some birds and squirrels, sitting and enjoying fruits from the tree and he could identify a few among them as his usual visitors with whom he enjoyed his breakfast. He was teary eyed when he noticed that his friends were feeding him back. In a telepathic language Daniel thanked the birds and squirrels and they greeted him back as if they knew what he meant. When Daniel walked ahead, he could see most of the dogs and cats, he daily fed, follow him. Daniel knew that he was never alone and his friends never left him. He could also see some of the missing cates and dogs in the group, join him on his journey. In the trees, a bunch of squirrels were squeaking, greeting and informing Daniel that they did follow him too. On the way ahead, Daniel helped a cloth merchant, stayed stuck in the rain. Daniel assisted the merchant to push his horse cart, stuck in the marshy ground and take it onto the main road. The merchant gave Daniel two pairs of new clothes as a gift.

An unexpected twist: Daniel didn't have any idea regarding what to do or how to build his house. He continued his journey ahead, accompanied by his animal friends. Daniel happend to see an old man, got stuck in the paddy field near the main road. It appeared that the old man somehow fell down to the field from the above main road. The man appeared to be very tired and was having some breathing trouble. Daniel didn't waste the time and he went to the field and rescued the man, trapped in the field. Daniel gave him a mango to have and took him to the nearby river from where the man was able to wash his muddy body. Kindhearted as always, Daniel gave the man a pair of new clothes. The old man was extremely happy and told Daniel that it was for the first time that he had met such a kindhearted man. Daniel smiled and when the man asked about him, Daniel told his tragic story of having lost his house. The old man smiled at Daniel and told him that everything would be okay before he left. A couple of hours later, some soldiers arrived and they were looking for Daniel. Daniel was a little bit sacred and he knew that he didn't do anything wrong. But the soldiers kneeled before Daniel, making him totally astonished. The soldiers told him that the king of the region had invited Daniel to the palace. Daniel didn't understand anything. 

Daniel, the court advisor: The king of the region was kindhearted and he would always check the progress of his subjects, impersonating. That was when he disguised himself as an old man and was checking the development of his kingdom, the heavy rain, accompanied by storm disrupted his journey. And the king, unfortunately fell down to the paddy field nearby during the calamity. It was Daniel who saved the king's life. Daniel was given a royal villa in the palace premises and was appointed as the king's personal assistant and advisor. That was the dramatic twist happened in Daniel's life. 

Conclusive analysis: Kindness, actually speaking, is the knowledge and practice that everything is your own extension. And your life works like a mirror. You will definitely get back what you put out sooner than later. And everything happens via a step by step process in cycles. If you build a service oriented life, the Universe works in tandem with you. Your life is the result of how you vibrate and how you get the results of the way, you vibrate. The practice of kindness always puts you on the right path, with your vibration at its highest. 

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