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Daniel's Kindness

Daniel was poor and yet so kind by nature. He lived in a small thatched house next to a tiny little river. He was a domestic aid to all the villagers. Daniel was the first person people noticed especially when there's someone else's marriage or funeral functions. The service orientation, Daniel showcased was praiseworthy. Daniel failed to make a successful course of life initially. And you can't have the fruits of life all of a sudden. This happens because it's a step by step process.  Daniel's Kindness : Daniel literally was the synonym for kindness. He shared his food with birds and animals whenever he had. There were a lot of brids, squirrels, dogs and cats always as visitors to Daniel's house. The cash he earnt actually spent on food for all these animals and birds and he lived with no savings at all. Future appeared to be bleak for Daniel. He was extremely happy whenever he could see the daily visitors in the form of birds and animals.

A wasteful weed

Abdu's Smile

Damu was a leading business man in a region and a socially prominent figure. Damu was not born rich. Whatever he gained was through his own attempt. It was he who controlled most of the businesses in the region. People always looked at him with due respect and admiration. Damu always used his social support to have his political clout. Sooner than later, he became one of the dignitaries and a close associate of the king of the region. 

Damu makes a negative change: You are supposed to make changes and this is how you grow in your life. It's your choice whether you have to make a positive change or the negative one. In Dumu's case, he unfortunately made a negative move. Damu developed some kind of superiority complex in such a way that he started viewing the world with the bipolar division of superiority and inferiority. He started hating the poor and the destitute for no apparent reason. He started assessing his entire life on the basis of some sort of value or cash. In Damu's view, worthless living was worth annihilating. He did have a tendency to drive away the poor dwellers in his neighborhood. The idea of staying among the poor people humiliated him. He was very much attached to cleanliness as well. Everything around him was to be kept neat and tidy. He always told people that his house was like heaven where everything good could be seen. 

A freaking wastful weed: With a cup of coffee, Damu set himself at the front of his house in the early morning and he felt satisfied that all of his servants had made everything clean looking. But Damu's satisfaction was cut short in the middle as he saw a worthless weed shoot, peeping out at the center of his courtyard. Angry as he was always, Damu shouted at his servants to uproot the nasty shoot which he deemed wastful. His obedient servants did the same on the spot. Damu spat on the uprooted, little weed and trod on it. While squeezing the little weed with his foot, he commanded "Never do this again".

The weed makes a mess: Anger was the only thing, Damu developed on a daily basis. He was angry with his wife, kids and servants. He didn't know where the anger sprung up in his consciousness without further ado. To add fuel to the fire, he noticed that the uprooted, worthless weed was appearing again every three days. He tried his best to get the plant obliterated. But it appeared that the plant kept growing on the same spot. Damu was so angry that one day he even burnt the entire plant by using some kind of crude oil and he was laughing aloud especially when the plant was set ablaze and burning. But still the plant kept growing after a few days. 

Damu falls ill: On a night, Damu felt painful throughout his body and the pain was literally unbearable. Damu was even unable to sleep. Next day, Damu was feverish and he also noticed that some sort of spots started developing throughout his body and the spots were burst open with puss, oozing out. No area on his body was free from those spots. Damu cried in pain always. Without his involvement, many of his business firms collapsed. Damu experienced the other side of life. Many of the medical practitioners found themselves helpless to figure out what was happening to him and all the medication, he underwent went worthless on him. 

Intervention of a Himalayan Yogi: Damu was almost sure that his time was up. Day by day his condition was getting worse. His entire body got swollen with pus and blood, oozing up from everywhere. And he was unable to wear any clothes. He was even unable to speak. His entire face was full of spots which narrowed his vision. Some kind of bad odor, emanating from his body spread throughout his house, which blocked even his servants from helping him properly. He was hated. He could hear people speak ill of him in the background. He had his eyes, filled with tears. Even the smooth flow of his tear drops was partially blocked by the protruding spots, right below his eyes. That's when Damu heard about a monk from the Himalayas, who visited his region. And the monk was famous for healing a lot of people. His wife ordered the servants to invite the monk to their house for his treatment. The monk agreed that he would visit and he did. 

The most valuable divine plant: The monk recognized that it's a rare disease which could be healed via a divine medicinal plant which could rarely be seen. The monk apologized that he was helpless in Damu's case as the disease could be cured only by the extract of a rarely available medicinal herb. The monk asked everyone to pray for Damu. Damu became mentally ready to be dead. Damu was thinking about the transience of life. And he deeply desired to be a changed person if given a chance once again. He hated himself for all those misdeeds, he did. The monk was about to leave and he reached at the front door. All of a sudden, the monk ran to a tiny little plant that was growing from the middle of Damu's courtyard. The monk kneeled and prayed before the most valuable medical plant which Damu deemed worthless. The monk conveyed the message that Damu is blessed by the Universe. The monk made a medicinal paste, collecting the leaves of the valuable plant and it applied throughout his body. Damu was cured of the disease before the week was out. It was like a second birth to Damu. He became a thoroughly changed person who built his life with more service orientation and became positively polarized. 

The conclusive analysis: The Universe doesn't bear anything valueless. There are no inferior people or superior people or things. The basic purpose behind this simulated evolutionary life is difference. Evolution becomes more accessible only via difference. You are the only one person, available in the entire cosmos exactly like you. You are full of the Universe in your own, unique way which nobody else can copy. So keep up your difference and make value with your difference. Damu understood the fact that the same plant he always cursed blessed him always. The plant was doing its duty and Damu understood how mistaken he was in terms of his own view of life. But everything happens to you comes up with a lesson to take into account. The moment you expand your consciousness, you become a transformed person! 

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